A Grell Tale

We are so glad you have taken time to check in on our lives. First and foremost, God is the author of this story. Every thing we do, say, and have is His.
Jared and I have been together since 1998, and married since 2003. After four long years of trusting God, he blessed us on August 1, 2009. Balen James is the most "perfect-for-us" little man in the world! We LOVE being parents and just can't get enough of him.
I love to spend time sharing our story with you, and I truly enjoy getting to hear your comments as well! We hope you enjoy watching our family grow. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jeff, Amber, and Boys

This is her. This is the girl that keeps me running all the time!! Amber is one of my long time friends that got me to start the Couch to 5K program. We are still trying to run three times a week but it seems to get harder and harder to fit it in. We are NOT quitting though! She called the other night and wanted me to take pictures. Here are a few of my favorites.

After scoldings from my brother, Josh, and getting pumped up on my picture editing with my cousin, Ashley, I have been taking tons of pictures this last week!! I have taken three different peoples', have to go take some for a little boy tonight, and have another couple wanting to set up a time soon. Looks like hours of editing on the computer are ahead of me!!

1 comment:

  1. good for you! love these...especially the one of the boy looking through the chair! can't wait to see more of your work...

