A Grell Tale

We are so glad you have taken time to check in on our lives. First and foremost, God is the author of this story. Every thing we do, say, and have is His.
Jared and I have been together since 1998, and married since 2003. After four long years of trusting God, he blessed us on August 1, 2009. Balen James is the most "perfect-for-us" little man in the world! We LOVE being parents and just can't get enough of him.
I love to spend time sharing our story with you, and I truly enjoy getting to hear your comments as well! We hope you enjoy watching our family grow. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

GC Photography

Just checking in!! I am alive!!! The past few weeks have EXPLODED into something crazy!!!!! I have always been very hesitant about pursuing my photography. I stick my toe in, then pull it back out. Then stick two toes in......over and over. I have been telling my friends and family...it's not that I don't THINK I can do it, I just don't DESIRE to commit to doing it. I have spent a few years praying and praying, and REALLY trying to listen and peek cautiously around each corner. More than anything, ever before in my life, this has been something I don't want to rush into. I want to KNOW it is a God thing, something he is providing and not ME! Well, the past few weeks have brought extreme change! I have taken a few people's pictures, feel a peace and excitement about it, and booked about 12 people in the last few days! Yes, 12. That's a big change from 0!!! I am trying to iron out the wrinkles in keeping my information organized. It's coming together. It is also SUPER important to me to make sure photography doesn't take away from my SUPER IMPORTANT #1 job of being Mommy!! It's amazing what I am stuffing into those afternoon nap times!! I am still taking it one day at a time. I want to listen each day and be used the way God wants to use me. I'm not advertising, getting a website, or anything like that yet. Just want to keep sharpening my skills, while at the same time making sure Balen's needs are met during OUR special time we have together. Pictures are such a special way to document the most important, special, exciting times in our families. It is a really cool feeling to know I am helping freeze those memories, forever!

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