A Grell Tale

We are so glad you have taken time to check in on our lives. First and foremost, God is the author of this story. Every thing we do, say, and have is His.
Jared and I have been together since 1998, and married since 2003. After four long years of trusting God, he blessed us on August 1, 2009. Balen James is the most "perfect-for-us" little man in the world! We LOVE being parents and just can't get enough of him.
I love to spend time sharing our story with you, and I truly enjoy getting to hear your comments as well! We hope you enjoy watching our family grow. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Indoor Underwear Exercise!?

When you stay at home everyday, with a VERY active two year old, you have to find ways to burn energy! Lately he has really enjoyed the "indoor trampoline" also known as my bed! Here he is showing Ernie how to jump, and eat crackers at the same time. Jared and I were both sweeping crumbs out of our spots while we were trying to go to sleep last night.

I would also like to point out the underwear!!! We have been hitting the potty training hard for almost a week now. We only work on it when we are home. I have read millions of "plans" but don't really have one at this point. I'm just going with it. Underwear when we are home, unless he absolutely refuses (which happens), and diapers/ pull ups when we are on the go! He has been doing great. We have about one or two accidents a day, which I can live with. I am also certain he is going to gain about 10 pounds of "bribery" by the time we are through with this!! Last night, Jared and I had youth group, so Balen stayed with Grandma and Pa Pa. He had an accident in her big chair, then ran into the kitchen and yelled, "MARK, I pee peed in Mawma's chair!!" They said it was hilarious! He might have said "Balen pee peed," either way it's funny!! He'll get the hang of it. I'm just kind of letting him go at his own pace.

We are still trying to catch his bedtime prayers on video. You are in for a treat when that happens!! :)

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