A Grell Tale

We are so glad you have taken time to check in on our lives. First and foremost, God is the author of this story. Every thing we do, say, and have is His.
Jared and I have been together since 1998, and married since 2003. After four long years of trusting God, he blessed us on August 1, 2009. Balen James is the most "perfect-for-us" little man in the world! We LOVE being parents and just can't get enough of him.
I love to spend time sharing our story with you, and I truly enjoy getting to hear your comments as well! We hope you enjoy watching our family grow. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



I love having talented friends!! Nicki is a special friend, who has had a rough year due to health problems. This has forced her to make a lot of "career" sacrifices, but it is awesome that she can still do what she loves! God has truly blessed her with a loving, supportive husband, and many many gifts and talents. Check out this fun article!! Too bad she is so far away from home. :( Miss you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Annie, that is so sweet to post this on your blog! I miss you too!. I am hoping to stay a while at Christmas and since Bethany is closer, maybe we can all get together!!

