A Grell Tale

We are so glad you have taken time to check in on our lives. First and foremost, God is the author of this story. Every thing we do, say, and have is His.
Jared and I have been together since 1998, and married since 2003. After four long years of trusting God, he blessed us on August 1, 2009. Balen James is the most "perfect-for-us" little man in the world! We LOVE being parents and just can't get enough of him.
I love to spend time sharing our story with you, and I truly enjoy getting to hear your comments as well! We hope you enjoy watching our family grow. Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of "SCHOOL"

Balen's first day of organized play, at a church, with 3 ladies, 10 other kids, a packed lunch, a backpack with his name on it, and no mommy went well!!!
It is called Kids Day Out. He goes from 9-3, on Friday's, to give stay at home mommies, like me, a little break. It was awesome!
I will admit, it felt a little odd to be writing his name on everything, packing a lunch, and putting it all in a backpack, but it all turned out great.

I drove him by his school yesterday. He is so used to picking Laine up from school and he wants to do everything like Karlie, Talon, Laine, Max, and Mia!! Anyway, I showed him his "school" and told him he would get to go tomorrow. Today, when he woke up, he was asking to go before he even asked for milk. On the way there he talked about playing with his "fwins." It was so cute when we turned in the parking lot he screamed "my school!!!!" As I was getting him out of the car, in his sweetest voice he said, "bye bye Mommy's tar (car)." I sat him down on the driveway and he took off for the door, without me. The second we hit his room, he was off with the other kids and never even told me bye. :( I called Jared and told him he doesn't even need us anymore!! He laughed.

He did great, and made it to three o'clock without a nap!!! The first thing he asked me at the door was "Where's Daddy?" I guess I wasn't who he was wanting to see. When I asked if he had fun, all he said was that he ate ice cream. Then, in the next 5 minutes of the car ride (that he was awake) he proceeded to ask for pop, suckers, gum, cookies, chicken, and crackers!! Finally, the urge was too overwhelming, the soothing bumps of the car were too much, and sleep won over my big 2 year old!!

He is now snoring in his bed, like little baby Balen should. I'm sure he will be starving when he wakes up. Next week I will have to take him a snack when I pick him up!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it.. Annie, it's so cool that you are soaking up each minute of 'Balen' as he is growing and becoming.. You will be so glad you can look back and relive these times. Wish I'd done that in some form. You think you'll never forget, but it happens. Such precious times. You're a really good Mommy.

